Outward Bound’s new Executive Director offers an opening up of the institution that will be welcome news to the community. Nick Cotton’s message is that if you want to get involved in OB, you can.
Nick wants, 1) Outward Bound to hold public open days and joint events with local organisations, especially schools; 2) volunteers to come forward to help in a myriad ways; and 3) youngsters in their 20s to apply to be trained as outdoor instructors. After the UST, Outward Bound is probably the most attractive and admirable institution in our district. What Nick has to say is good news (see below).
He succeeded Jon D’Almeida as head of OB about two months ago. His background is in education with 20 years following the philosophy of Kurt Hahn, founder of Outward Bound. Before taking up his new job, Nick was Director of Studies at Li Po Chun United World College, Wu Kai Sha. He is the outdoor type, enjoying adventure racing, trail running and rugby.

In an interview with SAI KUNG BUZZ, Nick said he wants Outward Bound to connect better with the community. It has open doors and will reach out more. Public open days will be held. Organisations such as schools will be engaged with and joint events set up. Volunteers are welcome to get involved in fund-raising and organising of events, especially for people who may be disadvantaged or handicapped. It doesn’t matter what your skills are you are welcome to be an Outward Bound volunteer. Specialists and generalists are needed: architects, designers, marine experts, geotechnical engineers, event managers, social workers and so on.
Each year Outward Bound arranges four fund-raising events: The Adventure Race, Multi-Race, Corporate Challenge and Pedal Power bike ride. Volunteers are sought to help with those, too.
Nick also mentioned the training school for outdoor instructors that is held twice a year. If you are in your 20s, or have a son or daughter of that age, you can apply.
He said Outward Bound is “not an activity centre, we’re an education centre. What drives us is the outcomes of the courses. We don’t just say let’s go sailing or climbing.” Courses are devised to achieve results: Greater resilience, team spirit, courage. Whether the courses work in developing character is measured at various stages. “That’s what sets us apart.”

Nick said with his management he will launching new initiatives in the months ahead. A facilities review is underway. Soon Outward Bound will be 50. “It would be nice to start the next 50 years with updated buildings and new ones.” Hence the need for technical help. He is also looking at OB’s courses. “Are we making the best use of the Sai Kung environment? What new experiences should we be offering? We have four sailing ketches and an ocean-going yacht — what more should they be doing?”
Outward Bound stresses courses that are journeys, he said. What can be developed in the gorges and streams and at the coast and campsites? The facility on Wong Wan Chau island in the Double Haven marine park will be renovated, depending on fund raising.
Nick is not the only new boss at OB. The chairman of trustees is now Richard Winter, head of Quam Capital, who has been involved with the institution for decades. The new team is bringing change to Outward Bound, building on its first 45 years.
Contact Cecilia Leong at mkt@outwardbound.org.hk.

Jon D’Almeida, 13-year executive director of Outward Bound, has moved on. He has gone to Outward Bound Australia to be chief executive and been replaced by Nick Cotton.
A spokesman for Outward Bound said Jon established a training school for incoming staff including a challenge ropes course. He set up sea programmes using kayaks, ketches and a 67 ft yacht, “The Spirit of Outward Bound”. He also devised a performance evaluation scheme to measure course outcomes. He achieved for OBHK international accreditation from the Association of Experiential Education.
Prior to joining OBHK, Jon was executive director of Outward Bound South Africa. This was a start-up at the time of transition from apartheid South Africa. Jon had also worked on OB-type programmes designed to turn around violent and destructive offenders. Jon spent six years with Outward Bound New Zealand at Anakiwa following some years in teaching.
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