OBITUARY: Russell Clarke Smith

Russell Clarke Smith in February 2016

Gentleman-about-town Russell Clarke Smith has died suddenly after being struck down by cancer. Russell, 70, was a familiar figure until July sitting outside Poets or Steamers with one of the few beers he allowed himself each day while he enjoyed his cigarettes. He was a quiet man who often sat alone. If you talked to him you found a willing conversationalist with a gentle smile.

Russell lived in Sai Kung at Lakeside Gardens for four and a half years, his wife Sally said. They knew each other for 18 years before marrying recently.  Russell had three sons with his first wife.  He was a quantity surveyor who had worked on construction projects in Saudi Arabia, Japan, Malaysia, Seychelles, Indonesia and Mauritius. He wrote an autobiography yet to be published plus poetry, some of which appeared in  SAI KUNG BUZZ last year.

Cancer hit Russell suddenly about three months ago. He collapsed and two of his sons took him back to the UK. The cancer metastasised rapidly and Russell died in Edinburgh six weeks after he had arrived back in Britain.

Russell was respected and liked by almost everyone who got to know him in town. A good nice gentle man who will be missed.  Rest in peace, Russell.

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