Brickbats from Buzz to all of you who missed a magnificent concert

The jazz concert at the temple forecourt on February 25 managed to be both magnificent and disappointing. Crazed but rhythmic hip-hoppers, a solo saxophonist, a lovely Canto popstar and a jazz band who belted out foot-tapping stuff with infectious enthusiasm. And the concert hadn’t even started yet! That was what was magnificent, or some of it.

Now for the disappointing bit. The audience was only about 100, when you deducted the officials and their staff, the people who put it all together. That is not good enough. Everyone in the district who is mobile and compos deserves a bollocking for not showing up. Wider promotion appears necessary next time.

Temple’s forecourt was looking colourful and gay — in the proper sense of the word — with its strings of pink and white balloons. Because of the cold, every few yards there was a gas heater. Lead organiser Maureen Siu, the personable District Officer, greeted just about everyone, smiling proudly. The regular concerts are joint District Office and District Council events.  There was no sign of the 22-year DC Chairman, George Ng Sze Fuk.

At 7pm the concert was supposed to get started. But it didn’t. Instead the tiny audience got line-up after line-up of officials and dignitaries. One by one they got praised by the MC. That went on for 20 minutes. Some people drifted away.

Finally, the concert got going. Singer Jolie Chan, Gliss a capella group, Henry and Phylllis Duet, Ginger Kwan, Gadjo Station, the Hong Kong police band all performed. The organisers and the singers and the musicians deserve a  hearty round of applause. The people of Sai Kung who didn’t show, will never know what they missed.

— Trevor Bailey

Jazz Concert

Jazz Concert. Photo credit: Carol Biddell
Jazz Concert. Photo credit: Carol Biddell

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  1. Maureen Siu? Speaking for myself I am glad I was unable to attend because aside from a SKDO/FSK meeting (which FSK requested) to discuss issues when she was appointed and refusing to acknowledge our notes of the meeting, she has consistently refused to respond to FSK correspondence since. She has not fulfilled her charter as DO.

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  1. Stage goes up for 3 February evening jazz concert
  2. Stage goes up for 3 February evening jazz concert – Sai Kung Buzz

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