Activists fighting valley development report rare victory

Residents of Long Keng and O Tau fighting to preserve their valley against depredations of a developer have won a small victory.  Jonathan Zeal, Long Keng resident and chairman of the activist’s group, said that following prosecution, the developer has begun reinstating land he illegally built a road through.

Jonathan writes, “So, the prosecution has had some effect…Attached is the unusual sight of a digger in our valley reinstating the land as it was before the developer put a road through it…  Well, not really. All they have done is a pathetic attempt of dumping some mud on top of the existing concrete and then tried to further cover it with loose turf. This is not the same as reinstatement and we will be pressing the Planning Department about this.”
Five houses have been built so far by a developer whose ambition will wreck the once-beautiful valley off Sai Sha Road if he can get away with it.  Plans seen by the activists envision construction of around 60 houses worth $1.5 billion

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