The 2018 Rural Representative Election voter registration campaign starts

The 2018 voter registration campaign for the Rural Representative Election (RRE) was launched on 14 May. The Home Affairs Department (HAD) asks all eligible persons who have not registered as electors and want to have their names on this year’s register to submit their applications for voter registration by 16 July. BUZZ will be following the more interesting RRE campaigns around the district, as well as reporting on some stories from previous ones.
According to HAD, there are three types of Rural Representatives, namely Indigenous Inhabitant Representatives (IIRs), Resident Representatives (ReRs) and Kaifong Representatives (KFRs).

An IIR, returned by indigenous inhabitants, their spouses or surviving spouses of an Indigenous/Composite Indigenous Village, is to reflect views on the affairs of the Village on behalf of the indigenous inhabitants of the Village and to deal with all affairs relating to the lawful traditional rights and interests and the traditional way of life of those indigenous inhabitants.

A ReR, returned by residents (both indigenous and non-indigenous inhabitants) of an Existing Village, is to reflect views on the affairs of the Village on behalf of the residents of the Village.

A KFR, returned by residents of a Market Town (Cheung Chau/Peng Chau), is to reflect views on the affairs of the Market Town on behalf of the residents of the Market Town.

Indigenous inhabitants, their spouses or surviving spouses, aged 18 or above and holding recognised identity documents, are eligible to be registered as electors in the IIR Election of an Indigenous/Composite Indigenous Village.
For registration as an elector in the ReR Election and the KFR Election, one must be a Hong Kong permanent resident aged 18 or above and have been a resident of the Existing Village or Market Town (Cheung Chau/Peng Chau) for the three years immediately before the date of application for registration, and whose address in the Village or Market Town is his or her principal residential address. Principal residential address means the address of the dwelling place at which the person resides and which constitutes the person’s sole or main home.
Indigenous inhabitants of an Indigenous/Composite Indigenous Village, their spouses or surviving spouses who have been residing in an Existing Village or a Market Town for the three years immediately before the date of application for registration and meet the eligibility requirements for electors in the relevant election can submit two separate forms if they wish to register as electors for both IIR Election and ReR Election or KFR Election.”
HAD stress that if registered electors of the ReR Election and the KFR Election no longer reside in the Village/Market Town for which they are registered, or their residential addresses in the Village/Market Town are no longer their sole or main homes, they are no longer eligible to remain registered as electors. The persons concerned will commit an offence if they vote at an election.
Registered electors of the ReR Election or the KFR Election who have any changes in principal particulars (including name or principal residential address) should submit the form of “Application for Change of Registered Particulars” by 16 June. For change of principal residential address, address proof must be submitted.
Registered electors of the IIR Election who have any changes in principal particulars (i.e. name) should submit the form of “Application for Change of Registered Particulars” by 16 June. For change of other particulars (including principal residential address, correspondence address or the Indigenous Village / Composite Indigenous Village to be registered), application should be submitted by 16 July.
The forms of “Application for New Voter Registration” and “Application for Change of Registered Particulars” can be obtained from the HAD, District Offices and government offices outside Hong Kong, or downloaded from the RRE website (
For enquiries, please call the HAD hotline at 2152 1521.

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