Early morning car crash on Hiram's Highway

Photo: 馬竟峯

Early this morning, 8 July, the driver of a Nissan Fairlady sports car driving along Hiram’s Highway towards Sai Kung lost control just past the Mang Kung Wo Road junction near the Bai Sha Bay slip road. It first hit a roadside  fire hydrant, then crashed into two road signs. Then it bounced back to the road, ran forward another 50 metres, crossed to the opposite lane and ground to a halt.
Photo: 馬竟峯

The front of the car was seriously damaged, with the entire front section, right rear section, licence plate, shock absorbers all scattered over the road from the slingshot hit on the  fire hydrant.
The 28 year old male driver and 17 years old female passenger  complained of chest pains and were taken to hospital for treatment. Both were breathalysed and police are investigating the cause of the accident.

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