Memo from the We-are-out-to-yumcha Department

Man Yee Square as it used to be, and now                    Photo: Julie King

The Leisure and Cultural Services Department has responded to BUZZ’s persistent enquiries about the neglected state of Man Yee Square with the following letter:

Dear BUZZ Editor,
Subject:Disgusting state of Man Yee Square: District Office promises urgent action – updated (Case Ref: 2-4590951942)
Regarding your case dated 29/05/2018, the reply of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department is as follows –
“Thank you for your E-mail to 1823 about the captioned issue of the Man Yee Playground.
There are open spaces and a pavilion in Man Yee Playground for public use. It is a popular social place for the community in Sai Kung Town. In order to upkeep the condition of the environment, we have put up more signs at prominent locations of the venue to remind members of the public to comply with the relevant regulations and keep the environment clean and tidy.
Apart from the regular cleansing services provided daily, additional cleansing services will be arranged depending on the conditions of venue. We have carried out several special cleansing operations in past few weeks as well as a joint operation with the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department in early June 2018. We shall conduct inspections from time to time to monitor the hygiene conditions and take appropriate action accordingly.”
Joseph Wong
Customer Service Officer

BUZZ has replied to Joseph saying we have noted the cleaning but add that Man Yee Square needs more than sweeping and washing.

The recent clean-up by LCSD

All public facilities are dilapidated, marred with graffiti and look like they have not been maintained or repainted this century. All these facilities need repainting, we said. Also we reminded him that years ago Man Yee Square looked beautiful because of well-tended flower beds. This is no longer the case. Can they be reinstated please? Sai Kung has lovely flower beds elsewhere, why not in Man Yee Square?

As it used to be                Photos: Julie King

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1 Comment

  1. LCSD is only responsible for the facilities in the square – the sitting area (with no seats or tables provided for our elderly card players), playground, basketball court, flower beds etc.
    FEHD are responsible for controlling the rats and removing the litter in the square and they do nothing at all to keep the rear lanes clear of clutter.
    The head of FEHD in Sai Kung should be replaced by someone who can get a grip.

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