Symone Dolai, owner of the Sai Kung pole dancing studio, has qualified as a national judge attaining the standards of the International Pole Sports Federation, she told Sai Kung Buzz.
Symone earned the qualification in Osaka. It means she can judge pole dancing competitions at a national level. “I can sit the international exam at the same time next year, ” she said.
The IPSF aims to have pole dancing become an Olympic sport, so is trying to standardise the sport’s points scoring, names of moves, and so on.
Symone’s business, called Pole Paradise Studio, has been located in SaI Kung for a year. It is next to Harrod’s above the bank.
Jungle Paradise, its programme for children, has set up classes with the Hong Kong Academy and is now expanding to other schools.
If you would like to see what Pole Paradise dancing is all about, instructors and students will perform what they call “an aerial acrobatics showcase” at Solas in Central after Easter. Jungle Paradise kids will do a show for family and friends
at the studio in May.
Symone is the daughter of well-known man about town George Salamon, a former Cathay Pacific purser now working on a cruise ship based in Shanghai. Symone’s husband, Josef Dolai, also instructs at the studio.
If you want to know more info@poleparadisestudio.com or www.poleparadisestudio.com
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