Sai Kung Sharks star Cassandra Ekwegwo has been invited to join the Hong Kong under 14s soccer squad, Sharks Founder Charles Nwanaga said.
Cassandra has been training with the national team for three months and has yet to play for Hong Kong. She attends the same church as Charles, Solid Rock Pentecostal, where her dad is pastor.
Charles said the club’s coming season starting in September will see new developments:
- For the first time the Sharks will field girls only teams.
- A new toddlers’ (under 5s) squad will be launched.
- Start of a programme called “Soccer Mind” designed to develop mental skills, concentration and self-control.
Charles appealed for donors to support kids who can’t afford to join the club. “We have kids hanging around. They are obviously itching to play. But their parents don’t have the money.”
Fees at the club range from $2500 to 3000 depending on the length of the term. This buys each child training sessions once or twice a week with Charles and three other coaches plus a Sharks shirt, shorts and socks.
Charles is a former Nigerian international soccer player who arrived in Hong Kong in 1997. By 1999 he was playing for Sai Kung Friends and noticing “the talent of the kids” decided to set up a new club.
Sai Kung Sharks now has about 50 child players formed into five mixed teams ranging from under 8s to under 14s. Their successes this year include winning the shield at the Tai Tam tournament and the plate at the Gold Coast Cup.
For information admin@saikungsharkssfc.com
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