A candle-lit Christmas procession wending its way through our streets charmed those fortunate enough to see it. The stars were William, Celia Divry, Denis Fung and Sophia Chan. William was the horse. The others, all teenagers, played the roles of Mary, Joseph and the Angel Gabriel. Children all in white with wings and halos followed.
William couldn’t have been better looked after. The chief veterinary surgeon of the Jockey Club, Dr Christopher Riggs, walked all the way with him (see separate story on Dr Riggs).
Organiser Carla Basto Clark described the public reaction to the candle-lit Nativity procession: “It was lovely actually. There was a lot of cheering people so happy to see it. We got such a welcome reaction. There were people in the bars shouting ‘Merry Christmas’. On the waterfront people’s faces were full of surprise and joy.”
The procession wound its way through most streets in the centre of town before heading back to the Sacred Heart Church. Inside there was a Living Crib and carol service, to which everyone was invited. Afterwards people gathered outside drinking mulled wine and sharing food. William had been taken on a ride back to his Pokfulam stables.
Carla runs the Ampleforth Centre for Theology and Spirituality. “We organise events to enable young people to learn about our rich and mystical faith.”
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