OBITUARY: Blair Sweet. Ranch restaurant gallops on despite founder’s death, Candy Sweet says

Blair was “passionate about his enthusiasms” spending a lot of money importing American artifacts to decorate the restaurant. He was like his father, the flamboyant and famous photographer Ozzie Sweet. The sign is correct: Anthony’s Ranch does have the coldest beer in Sai Kung

Despite the death of Blair Sweet, Anthony’s Ranch is saddled up and cantering, his widow said. Candy Sweet will handle the reins along with business partner Paul Walsh.

The staff of Anthony’s Ranch “were trained by the master”, Candy said. Most of the cooks and waiters have been with the restaurant since Blair and Paul, a lawyer, opened it seven years ago. Quality will be maintained, she said, but there will be “little changes” based on Blair’s ideas.

Candy was married to Blair, who died suddenly in December, for 16 years. They produced a boy, Skylar, now 11. Candy managed Anthony’s Catch on Po Tung Road by herself after Blair started the Ranch. Sometimes she supervised both.

Candy Sweet, widow of Blair

Friends including Paul and the latter’s wife Jackie have got together to create an educational fund to help ensure Sky has good schooling. Donations can be made to HSBC acct. 607 210648 88.

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