Community characters turn out in large numbers to raise $24,000 for puppy home


The karaoke fundraiser for Catherine’s Puppies attracted about 160 people and raised $24,000 for veterinary bills, dog food and other costs, Founder Catherine Lumsden said. Steamers restaurant was heaving on March 11 (the crowd was far larger than that at the Jazz Concert) as disc jockey for the evening Liam Owens-Smith urged on the singers.  Kee and his colleagues struggled to keep up with the demand for drinks. Olivia Crooke wowed the crowd by performing an Abba song in Spanish. Other performers at the microphone were somewhat less than melodic, but the mob was in such a happy mood you could have sung from a telephone directory and they would have cheered.

Catherine was so pleased with the event’s success she said it will become quarterly. She thanked Stuart Wadsworth, John Inglis, Kerensa Heywood, Paul Lewis and Carl Neale. Lizzy Palmer-Smith, it was announced, will undertake a major athletic challenge in aid of Catherine’s Puppies. Watch this space.

The charity operates a home and adoption centre for dogs high in the bush above Ho Chung. It has a never-ending need for volunteers to look after the animals and walk them. Recently Catherine joined two other dog rescuers, Debbie Chow and Narelle Pamuk, in saving puppies from appalling conditions at an elderly man’s property in Tuen Wan.







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