Constant Tedder, the Sai Kung resident who founded The Hive, has doubled the number of business centres he owns in about a year — as he said he would. In December 2015 SAI KUNG BUZZ ran a story quoting Constant on his expansion plans. Then he had five Hives, including one in Sai Kung; now he has 10 in Hong Kong, Bangkok and Singapore.
How has he raised the money for all this investment? Constant was one of the founders of a UK computer gaming company that created MMORPG (massively multi-player role-playing games) which was sold for US$250 million, he said.

The 2500 sq ft Sai Kung Hive is hidden away in an olive green building on Po Tung Rd opposite the police station. Now it is managed by Crystal Domingue, who was promoted after Chris Lau moved to run the Kennedy Town Hive. Constant calls the business centres “co-working communities.” The Sai Kung one ranks among the most civilised places in town: pastel colours, over-stuffed chairs, light Danish wood and soft melodic music.
It aims also to be a community centre hosting film nights, performances by the Sai Kung Community Choir (March 21 and 28 and April 11) and a show by Zero 7 band singer Sophie Barker (March 25).
Constant owns 90 per cent of the now 10-outlet Hive group with the balance held by employees. You can rent a “hot desk”, dedicated desk, private office or just enjoy the lounge or courtyard with a $20 coffee. Tea is free.
The Hive is brilliant. I don’t get chance to use it as much as I’d like but I’m hanging on to my membership. Atmosphere is so conducive to work and the fibre optic internet is just a Sai Kung residents dream. Well done Constant , Chris and Crystal 💕