Academy of Jazz above Harrod's extends range of dance classes for kids and adults seeking fitness

Kiwi entrepreneur Sonia Nazzer is broadening the range of classes at her new Academy of Jazz, more or less above Harrod’s. The Sai Keng resident is also planning a stage show for December. The new classes are Cheerleading and Theatre Kidz along with ballet, jazz and hip hop.

Sonia Lee Nazzer, Kiwi entrepreneur livening up Sai Kung

Sonia has lived in Hong Kong since 2006, now near Sai Sha Road with her partner, four children, a dog and two rabbits.

The first Academy of Jazz opened in Ma On Shan. Now there are dance classes also in Mei Foo and the centre of Sai Kung.  Sonia learnt her skills in New Zealand and developed them working with the underprivileged in Bogota before moving to Hong Kong. She says she was first to bring JazzAddict, Urban Ignition Hip Hop and Lucidity Contemporary Dance to Hong Kong.

Sonia’s stage show to be held in December will see kids doing “funky routines in crazy costumes”and the staging of well-known games such as Twister and Cluedo on stage.

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