Tuesday (02/05) night at approx 7:30pm, Ell from Sai Kung Cattle’s Angel (SKCA) an NGO, received a call from a member of the public about an injured bull at Tsam Tuk Wan. She alerted Sai Kung Buffalo Watch (SKBW) and both NGO’s headed immediately to the scene.
Upon arrival two kind members of the public had blocked the road so that no further accidents were caused, but sadly the bull had already died from his injuries. He had only that afternoon been in a residents garden bringing them great joy and we are all devastated that a few hours later his life was tragically cut short.

SKCA and SKBW would like to thank the Sai Kung and Rural Police officers and inspectors who immediately jumped to action trying to locate a damaged vehicle in the area, however sadly no vehicle could be located.
Upon checking the area later at around 11pm looking for damaged vehicles ourselves, we then located a second female cow who had deep lacerations on her ribs and flank, suspected to have been part of the earlier collision. Her injuries didn’t seem to be life threatening but she certainly needed veterinary attention. Having observed her for over 3 hours, there was little more we could do for her until morning light.
SKCA and SKBW informed AFCD who were able to schedule her collection this morning (Wed) and she has been taken to AFCD’s cattle farm for a thorough check up with the vets. We thank them for their prompt response and care this morning and will keep everyone updated on her progress when we receive news on her condition via our Facebook pages.
We implore visitors, residents and public transportation drivers to take it easy on the roads around Sai Kung, especially at dawn, dusk and overnight. These are peak times for cattle to be moving between villages, or resting on the roads / roadside. If you see cattle near roads, please do call us. We will come to move them to safer areas. Spring and Summer are times both NGO’s dread – please help us out and don’t become one of our statistics.

Please flash your lights to warn oncoming drivers if there is a hazard ahead (cow on the road), those few seconds of warning could make all the difference. Please also don’t get annoyed and nearly run us over in the process if you see us – we are there trying to save not only cow lives but also yours and prevent your vehicle being sent to the scrap heap. Is 5 minutes worth your life? your vehicle? or the shame of killing one of these sentient beings?
We also request that should you hear road racing on Tai Mong Tsai or Sai Sha Roads – even if you aren’t certain – to call the Sai Kung Police Station on 3661 1630. They will send a patrol car to have a look.

Finally, should you hit any wildlife or other animals on the roads around Sai Kung, please don’t leave them to suffer slow and painful deaths. You can call the police or our hotlines (9815 7448 (Chinese speaking) / 97814703 (English speaking)) and we will attend to ensure the animal is not left suffering unnecessarily or to arrange treatment with a vet if it is possible. For small animals – you can also call the SPCA’s 24 hour hotline (2711 1000).
“female cow” – is there another kind?