Local authors feature in Central book signing on 15 June 2017

book signing
A number of local Sai Kung authors will be taking part in a book signing at Bookazine, Central, Hong Kong on Thursday 15 June 2017. It starts at 6.00 pm. Wine will be served. Please take a look at the ad for details of making a reservation.
Authors include Guy Shirra, Graham Reels, and Peter Mann. All three have had their books and exploits well covered in previous editions of SAI KUNG BUZZ.

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  1. I was very sorry to miss this event, being resident in TKOH on the night. Pete Spurrier had asked me to suggest a question. I suggested “Why did you take early retirement from the Royal Hong Kong Police Force on the eve of the Handover, 30 June 1997” My reply would have been: “Because I had no wish to continue in law enforcement under the ultimate sovereignty of a communist regime.” I was dismayed and ashamed in the run up to the Handover that efforts to secure UK citizenship for everyone born in HK under British sovereignty came to naught. I remember sitting in the MTR and looking around me at my fellow passengers thinking “How could we do this to them?” I still believe that, despite the millions eligible, few would have gone to the UK, more might have gone to other EU countries and elsewhere but the vast majority would “stay home”, sticking their guarantee or passport in a bottom drawer and getting on with making OCTS work. It would have also encouraged the CCP to keep their hands off lest they stimulate an exodus of talent. Today, all I can see is a steady erosion of HK’s promised 50 year autonomy culminating yesterday in the CCP announcing that the Joint Declaration was now “meaningless”. I am glad that I am unlikely to be around to witness what happens in 2047…

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