Jack Farmer to lead charity event next Saturday on his hand cycle

Jack on his hand cycle

Sai Kung’s Jack Farmer, eight-year-old sufferer of Perthes disease, will lead a charity cycle race from Renaissance College on 11 November The 3 km event starts at 2:00 pm and everyone is welcome on bikes, scooters, wheel-chairs, roller-blades and even on foot.
Jack was diagnosed one year ago with Perthes, a condition of unknown cause that leads to a hip disorder. Blood flow to the head of the femur is disrupted. The bone dies and stops growing.
Jack and his parents

The Farmer family has been campaigning to raise awareness and funds for Perthes sufferers since they learned of Jack’s condition, including hand-cycle riding at Downing Street. Next month they will leave Sai Kung, travelling to South America, then on to the UK and a hand cycle tour in Europe.
At Renaissance College next Saturday you will be able to buy t-shirts and support the Perthes Association as well as Sai Kung’s Sailability, the charity yachting club for the disabled.  See pedalthroughperthes.org where it is reported the money raised so far totals $11,219.

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