Kia ends up in rubbish dump at a Hang Hau village

kia crash
The Kia in the bushes Photo: Apple Daily

A couple visiting a Hang Hau village around 8:00 am yesterday had a narrow escape when they parked at the village entrance. The car careened 10 metres downhill and the couple were injured. Fire services rescued them, and fortunately the couples’ injuries were not serious.
The driver with his rescuer Photo: Apple Daily

The site of the accident was near the public toilets of Mang Kung Uk Road, Wai Sum Village. The driver, surnamed Chang, 59, was parking his Kia Morning car, with is wife inside,  near the rubbish collection area. It seems he put his foot down on the accelerator, not the brake when manoeuvering, and lost control, rolling 10 metres down the slope and crashed into a tree, trapping them both inside.
Having been rescued by firemen, neither Chang or his wife, surnamed Lam, 56, needed to go to hospital after some minor treatment.  The car awaited its own rescue.

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