Sai Kung comes to a halt; at least three accidents, a burst water main, and a school bus goes up in flames

school bus
The burned out school bus at Ho Chung Photo: Headline News

It was a day of chaos in Sai Kung today. At least two traffic accidents, a burst water main and a school bus alight in Ho Chung. And a slight prang stops traffic in Sha Kok Mei.
Fuk Man Road roundabout this morning     Photo: Richard Hill

Around 9:00 am this morning, a water main burst at Fuk Man Road roundabout. Although the water was turned off there was still traffic delays around 3:00 pm.
centro - catherine lumsden
Motor bike and minibus crash at Centro junction this afternoon       Photo: Catherine Lumsden

And to add to the chaos, around 3:00 pm a motor bike and minibus collided near the Centro Building, on the corner of Hiram’s Highway and Chui Tong Road – a notorious accident black-spot.
Also around noon a taxi and a van bumped in to each other in Sha Kok Mei. As usually happens in Hong Kong, the drivers spent more time arguing with each other instead of moving the vehicles out of the way, thus blocking traffic along the narrow road for more than 30 minutes.

At midday, in Ho Chung, in the open parking lot near the temple, a school bus caught fire. The entire vehicle was burned out but no one was injured in the incident. This follows a similar incident when a minivan was destroyed by fire in October this year. The fire was safely put out using a fire extinguisher from another vehicle.
The driver said the car parked on the site yesterday evening around 5:00 pm, and he claimed to have no debts nor having offended anyone, and could not explain why someone would want to torch his vehicle.
The Fire Brigade and the Police are investigating the incident.

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