Jason Wordie offers chance for lovers of Sai Kung to learn more about heritage

Jason Wordie, historian and author. Photo: bkb.mpweekly.com

Author Jason Wordie will give a talk on Sai Kung history at The Hive next week (15 March). Some highlights:

  • From the 1660s Hakkas from the East River moved into Sai Kung, establishing villages whose ruins we can see today. The stone-cutting industry became important to them.
  • European connections began long before the signing of the 1898 British lease after the Opium War. Italian missionaries helped settlers start Catholic villages, the most well-known of which is Yim Tin Tsai.
  • World War II in the Pacific saw Sai Kung become a hotbed of resistance (mainly by Communists) against the Japanese. Remote and island-studded, Sai Kung was a major route for clandestine travel into Free China. Leftist links were established that continue to this day.

Lok Yuk kindergarten, proud symbol of so much Sai Kung history: It was the Japanese army headquarters in World War II

Jason’s talk, beginning at 7pm, will cost $300 for non-members of Friends of Sai Kung and $250 for members. The Hive is the business centre in the old factory building on Po Tung Road opposite the police station.

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1 Comment

  1. I’d love to hear Mr. Wordie’ s speech. Will it cover the part that Eurasians played in the history of Hong Kong?

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