Parking endangering life

This is one of the worst examples of bad parking we can recall in Sai Kung. A young man parks his lorry at a zebra crossing blocking the views of drivers of pedestrians crossing the road and of pedestrians who can’t see cars approaching. This endangers life. A former Sai Kung police commander told BUZZ an elderly man had been killed about two years ago on Man Nin Road in similar circumstances. He had walked out from behind a vehicle to cross the road and was struck in the head by a truck’s wing mirror. In this case yesterday (5 March) also on Man Nin Road the youthful driver sauntered off with his passenger for lunch, presumably, at about 2.10pm.  This photo shows two old ladies venturing out from behind the truck. BUZZ will give the licence plate number to the police.

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  1. This is not a parking offence; it is a driving offence to stop there, other than to give way to pedestrians on the crossing! Despite that it is a common occurence both in Man Nin Road and at the crossing near the pier on Fuk Man Road where, sadly, I have on more than one occasion seen a police vehicle “parked”, Has anyone ever been prosecuted for this?

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