Police file SK RN 180013375: The case of Bonnie and her run-in with the law

A portrait of Bonnie provided by Senior Inspector Michael Lai

Bonnie is one lucky puppy. She is found wandering in the dark on a main road at night by the police, who take her to the police station and care for her, while they try to find the owner. It’s a story that ends happily as the police pull off a mini-PR coup.
Senior Inspector Michael Lai takes a break from his duties as Sai Kung operations chief to tell the story of Bonnie’s run-in with the law:
“…Our officers on patrol at about 0150 hours on 2018-03-02 found a puppy (female, likely several months old only, mongrel*, black  with a red collar) wandering on the road outside Tai Wan village, Tai Mong Tsai Road.” Michael said the puppy looked healthy and clean and the collar indicated she might have got lost from home. “It was no doubt dangerous with traffic running along the road. Our officers tried to locate the owners, but in vain and brought her back to the police station.”
The officers put a photo of Bonnie on Facebook trying to find the owners. Bonnie got her own police file, SK RN 180013375.
Michael said the police advised the SPCA, as usual for animal cases. The society sent inspectors to pick up Bonnie and took her away.  In the early morning a lady turned up at the police station claiming Bonnie. Michael wrote, “She was told to contact SPCA and I guess the puppy has already returned home.”
Presumably, police file SK RN 18001375 is now closed. Everybody’s happy.
(*Ed: Sorry, Michael. There’s no such thing as a mongrel. Father was a dog, mother was a dog, it’s a dog. Bonnie appears to be a Sai Kung pedigree.)

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