Parvo virus threatens lives of three rescued puppies; Catherine calls for help

Dog rescuer Catherine Lumsden has called for help because of three puppies in danger from parvo virus. Reef, Barnacle and Coral have been fostered at the home of the Catherine’s Puppies founder. Fortunately not at her Ho Chung shelter with its about 40 canine residents because parvo is highly contagious. Reef has been confirmed as suffering from parvo and Catherine fears the others will have caught it to.
“I can not spend the money I do not have and get into debt we can’t afford when we have the shelter dogs to think of…”  She wrote that she fears vet bills of $10,000 per puppy. “I won’t see any dogs suffer unless there is a high chance they can recover… To me the puppies come first and as much as we hope for miracles, the reality is they often don’t happen. I desperately hope they will be OK.”
Reef, who is suffering from diarrhea and vomiting every half hour, is now at Pets Central. He also has tick fever and a skin problem, so his immune system is weak. Barnacle and Coral remain with Catherine living on her balcony and she reports they are eating. She fears for all three. “…It still knocks me about emotionally, feeling so helpless.”
If you would like to help pay the vet bills for the three puppies and others, donate to Pets Central HSBC 400 157848 001 (ref. Catherine’s Puppies).

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