Restaurant and real estate investor Sandy Lee dies

Sandy Lee, a well-known character around town especially if you are a habitue of The Picture House, Jaspas or Poets, has died. She was struck down by metastasized cancer that took her life at a young age. Sandy had a major operation recently and was seen in town afterwards with a new hairdo and lipstick, unusual for Sandy. Friends quipped, “You’ve got a new boyfriend.” Sadly it wasn’t so. One afternoon saying she felt unwell she was taken away from The Picture House by ambulance. She passed away a few days ago.
Sandy was a serial restaurateur. She would talk people into joining her investing in new businesses one after another. Agua Plus (The Diner site) was one, Café Bon Bon de Paris another, and also a Japanese restaurant in Man Yee Square where Takka Fusion now is, and others that memory vaguely recalls, such as another Japanese concept a few doors from Aguaplus. None was a success. “I hate management,” she would say. Sandy was also active as a real estate agent and investor, particularly in Sha Kok Mei.

sandy lee
Sandy Lee. Photo: Sai Kung Magazine

Sandy was a pleasant, convivial character who liked a glass of wine. She will be missed by her many friends.

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