Sheung Yiu Folk Museum opens for International Museum Day

Photo: Wikipedia

In support of International Museum Day (IMD), the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) will hold International Museum Day 2018, Hong Kong (IMD 2018, HK) on 12 and 13 May (Saturday and Sunday). On these dates, a total of 40 cultural institutions including some museums and cultural venues under the LCSD as well as other local cultural institutions will offer free admission to the public. A wide range of educational and entertainment programmes will also be held.
The IMD theme this year is “Hyperconnected Museums: New Approaches, New Publics”, suggesting that as museums strive to maintain their relevance in society, they also need to make an effort to organise interactive projects with the local community and different social groups to engage new audiences and strengthen connections with them.

Among those opening is a local favourite, Sheung Yiu Folk Musuem in Pak Tam Chung. Located just inside the entrance to Sai Kung Country Park and occupying an area of 500 sq.m., the museum was originally a Hakka village built in the late 19th century. The village and its neighbouring lime kiln were gazetted as monuments in 1981. After it was restored, the village was opened as a museum in 1984.
The permament display comprises dwellings, pigsties, a cattle shed, a six-metre-high watchtower, a spacious drying terrace and other exhibits such as farm implements and everyday objects of the Hakka people, the restored village recreates the rural life of Sheung Yiu Village in its heyday. A video programme Life in Sheung Yiu Village is screened in the Audio-visual gallery to show audience the history of Sheung Yiu Village and local culture as well.
The museum is open from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Kitchen Audio-visual Gallery Graphic Panels Display Graphic Panels Display Store Room Farming Implement Display Kitchen Domestic Unit Museum Offcie Pig Pen Cattle Shed Drying Terrace Gate Tower

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