Double burglary in Clearwater Bay Road

house robbery
The burgled houses                          Photo:

The spate of break-ins around Sai Kung continued last night, when two adjoining houses near Sheung Yeung Village  were burgled one after the other. Around 9:00 pm a domestic helper at 981 Clearwater Bay Road alerted police to a broken window and some minor ransacking. Although it transpired that nothing of value had been taken, the police noticed that the window of the adjoining property had been forced open.
police return
The police returning from the search of the area                                 Photo:

When the entered they found that that house had been ransacked as well, and it was determined that watches, handbags and jewellery had gone missing.
Helicopter assisting search with its search lights                      Photo: HK01

Police later searched for the thieves, including setting up roadblocks along the main road and called in a Flying Service helicopter  to assist the search in the surrounding hills, using its powerful searchlights, but  the culprits were not sighted. No-one has been arrested as of this afternoon.

The blue and white vase taken for forensic investigation                          Photo: HK01

Local media report that after the police arrived at the scene they looked at CCTV footage, and found that the culprits had been caught touching a blue and white vase, but did not steal it. Later the police took the vase for investigation.


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  1. Assistant Divisional Commander Michael Lai reports on the recent cases in Sai Kung
    On March 15, three cars were involved in a traffic accident by Pak Kong village, resulting in an overturned car. It is believed that the first car crashed into a second car whilst pulling out, causing the second car to overturn. A light goods vehicle traveling in the opposite direction then hit the overturned vehicle. The driver of the overturned car was freed and sent to Tseung Kwan O Hospital for an injury to his elbow.
    On March 11, a double decker bus crashed into the back of a police vehicle while turning right on Fuk Man Road. The police vehicle was stuck in traffic at the time at the roundabout on Po Tung Road. No injuries were reported.
    A 45 year old female slipped and broke her leg while out hiking with her husband at Tsam Chuk Wan on March 9. Police carried the female, surnamed Wong to the main road, where she was taken to Tseung Kwan O Hospital for treatment.
    Two illegal immigrants from the Mainland were involved in smuggling frozen meat but were caught and arrested by police.
    A male in his twenties was a victim of online deception when he found a ‘facebook’ page claiming that he could gamble and win. He deposited a total of $10,000 into the designated bank accounts, when he received no reply he contacted police. Police are still looking into the case.
    *****Want more news from the SK Police? Check out last month’s police reports*****
    On March 2, the priest at ‘Guan Yin Temple’ in Pak Sha Wan reported a theft. Gold pendants and red packets valued at $3,000 went missing from under the Kwun Yam’ statue. After investigating the CCTV footage, a man was easily identified by locals and arrested later that day. Some of the stolen property was returned to the temple.
    A 47 year old female was involved in a traffic accident on Fuk Man Road. She was hit by a taxi as she stepped out in front of an ice-cream van. She suffered injuries to her hand and foot and was sent to Tseung Kwan O Hospital for treatment.
    A case of animal cruelty was reported when a 13 year-old Afghan Hound was abandoned at a veterinary clinic in Sai Kung. The dog was in poor condition with wounds believed to have been caused by laying in the same position for too long. The dog was taken by SPCA and the police criminal investigation team is now following the case.
    The police are preparing for the Easter holidays by scheduling more operations to prevent burglary and unruly behaviour.
    Hong Kong Crime Ststistics Record 2018
    Marco Ma

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