Two dead after barge overturns near Ninepins

The Ninepin Islands group                  Photo: HK Geopark

Tragedy struck a sand-barge being towed near Ninepin Islands last night. The barge, about 50 metres long and 12 metres wide, hit a patch of rough water around 9:00 pm, and flipped over. Marine Police and Fire Services divers were alerted, as the two sailors on the barge had not been found, and were believed trapped in the cabin. A full search of the area was conducted by helicopter and the other emergency services. Divers eventually found the two crew around 6:00 am this morning, but they were confirmed dead at the scene.

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At the marine police base this morning    Photo: HK01

The two deceased are both local men, one aged 55, the other 62. Their bodies were taken back to Marine Police base in Hong Kong, where an investigation into the incident will take place. Wind speed was around 27 km/hr at the time.

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