An occasional roundup of happenings and other miscellanies

scene and heard
Natural food shop opens in Fuk Man Street

Fuk Man Street has always been a bit of a shopping desert – especially now that JHC has gone. Shops and food outlets seem to last a few weeks and then close. The pop up shops are useful and cheap, but other than the Duke of York and the Vietnamese restaurant, and Liberty’s for electrical stuff, there’s little to recommend it. Maybe that will change if Wellcome take over the old JHC site.
Now a new natural food shop is trying it’s luck. Baobaochu sells a range of natural foods as well as Vigor and Sage pet supplies. Bright and airy, with reasonable prices, check it out. Sadly, the web site seems to be in Chinese only.

Another Vietnamese restaurant opens

Opened a couple of weeks ago, you wouldn’t recognise the area around the old, and much missed, Italiano’s. Now a new Vietnamese restaurant called Viet Kitchen has opened, with modern  decor that makes it all look different, as well as the food. The menu and prices seem comparable with other Vietnamese restaurants in town. But the question S&H asks is why the sudden outbreak of this cuisine when for many years a Vietnamese outlet was hard to find? Now we have loads!

Zero waste and bulk food store opens in Yee Kuk Street

Recently opened SEED, a self-proclaimed zero waste shop and bulk food store, looks to become a firm favourite for those interested in sourcing eco-friendly products. Situated next to the cobblers opposite Villa-Villa, it stocks pantry foods, household cleaning products, personal care, and beauty items. Another addition to the “green” and organic retail outlets popping up around the Old Town.

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