1.1 m high wall planned for Tseung Kwan O waterfront park to protect against typhoon related flooding

CEDD simulation of the 1.1 m high wall around the Tsueng Kwan O waterfront park.           Photo: CEDD

The Tseung Kwan O Waterfront Park suffered badly during Super-Typhoon Mangkhut last October. In order to strengthen the protection of the waterfront facilities along the beach the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) have proposed an additional wave wall with a  height of about 1.1 metres, and a total length of about 500 metres. This will be an “L” type structure fixed between the seawall and footpaths. It is planned to have it completed before the end of this year. Because the height of the  proposed  structure is quite low, the seaside landscape is not expected to be obstructed.

CEDD stated that they have completed preliminary repair of the area and had  re-opened it for public use. The original stone seawall, much of which washed up onto the park area during the typhoon has been removed. To ensure public safety, the department is enclosing the entire sea front for the repair and reinforcement of the existing seawall, and  expect to be completed within this month.

The height of the wall is designed to minimise the obstruction of the view from the park.   Photo: CEDD

Sai Kung District Office has been holding talks with a number of government departments, with inter-departmental meetings to review the range of facilities at the seaside, and to study measures to strengthen the protection of waterfront facilities , including the additions wave wall, as well as studying the use of a stronger flooring materials and park benches, and the migration electrical boxes inland.

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