Catherine Lumsden posted this on her Facebook page. Buzz has decided to repost it as the message it contains is very important. Please share if you can.
This isn’t the kind of post I usually do on this page as prefer to focus on the good in people and the success stories – giving dogs a better life. Sadly it’s necessary at the moment as a reminder. I’m fed up of posting black and white photos as it’s heart-breaking.

Parvo and Distemper are currently all over Hong Kong and puppies (and older dogs) are dying painful, totally avoidable deaths because they’re abandoned/unwanted carrying one or both of these deadly and highly contagious diseases. CP, HKDR and many other organisations are all having to deal with sick puppies and the worry of contagion to others.

These photos are hard to see as they’re pups that should have lived and would have had homes, a family to love and be loved by. They all died and given their breeds, French Bulldog – Samoyed – Dachshund – Shiba Inu, they definitely originated from breeders. Each would have sold for a huge amount yet not one had had any vaccine, nor would their mother dogs have had. I’m using their images as if this stops one person from buying a puppy – they didn’t die for nothing!!!

The basic message is – no demand, no supply! Buying from a pet shop for $$$$ in Hong Kong is encouraging breeders to keep churning out puppies and lining their pockets while dogs suffer.
If you have a sick puppy you must see the vet right away. The increase in cases the vets are seeing these last few months is very worrying. Symptoms are – Lethargy, Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Cold like symptoms such as runny (green/yellow mucus) from eyes or nose.
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