The proposed camp site/Holiday camp in Long Keng
Developers have applied to Town Planning Board to build a Temporary Holiday Camp, Tent Camping Ground and Hobby Farm for a period of three years, along with associated filling and excavation of land on 20,298 sq. m of Green Belt and Village land in Long Keng, Sai Kung.
The plans include building 19 single-storey accommodation units, along with parking for 23 cars, coaches and motor bikes. The current road into Long Keng village from Sai Sha road would be enhanced to take the extra traffic.

The planning application site in Long Keng
The developers, Graceful China Development Limited, currently own 1911 sq. m. of the land (13 lots), partly-own 4.940 sq. m. (20 lots), have obtained consent from the owners of 12,980 sq. m. (52 lots) and would use 467 sq. m. of government land.
The plans call for 15 camping tents, one office building, one storage facility, a two storey toilet block, and a refuse room. The facility would operate on a 24 hour, seven days a week. The proposed maximum visitor holding capacity for weekdays and weekends/public holidays are 50 and 100 respectively. During weekdays, it will be served as a day camp for group appointments inclusive tours with limited overnight visitors, whereas at weekends, visitors in the form of individuals would stay overnight. A total of five staff are expected to run the whole operation.

The current state of the site
Full details of the application can be found at https://www.info.gov.hk/tpb/en/application_collection/A_SK-TMT_75/A_SK-TMT_75.html. Deadline for objections and comments on the planned application is 14 January 2022.
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