Po Toi O village in Sai Kung is currently like a building site after land resumption and construction recently started. Previously there have been amore than 10 community cats living in Po Toi O Village. They usually live in open spaces with roof tiles providing cover and accommodation. However, recently the government has begun land resumption and construction projects and thee cats are about to lose their homes; piling work has also scared them away. Some of the older villagers who fed the cats hoped that someone could resettle them and give them a home, but this was not forthcoming so they asked for help through social media.

Bella, a volunteer at 520dogsupport (520浪浪加油站), an animal welfare group, said that she and other volunteers recently went to rescue the cats, and rescued six adult cats and eight new born kittens. It was not easy and one of the mother cats fell into a drainage pond, nearly drowned. She probably drank the polluted water accidentally and was seen foaming at the mouth. Volunteers tried to rescue her but the cat hid and the rescue failed.

Including the mother cat, there are currently about four cats that need to be rescued, as well as an unknown number of kittens.

Feral cats are relatively afraid of contact with people, but there are a few of the adults that can be picked up. Those rescued are currently being quarantined and observed at the 520dogsupport animal shelter. Volunteers will be deployed again to Po Toi O to rescue the remaining cats.

This story was translated from the AnimalPost story here (in Chinese).
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