Illegal traps maim animals and must be combated, welfare coalition says

Nine dogs, two cats, boar and cow rescued last year

cat1.jpgThe SPCA has joined 21 animal welfare groups, including Sai Kung Stray Friends, in forming an alliance to combat illegal traps that maim cats, dogs and other animals.

Tony Ho, SPCA Chief Inspector, said nine dogs, two cats, a boar and a cow had to be rescued from traps last year. The traps take the form of snares, cages and gin traps.  The latter are so strong it is hard to remove them once sprung. Jagged teeth cause horrible injuries often leading to amputation. In the past four years 159 traps have been confiscated by the SPCA, Mr Ho said.

“We have seen two cages for trapping pigs in the bush near a farm twice recently,” a member of the Hong Kong Hash House Harriers said. “The first time we saw the traps we sprang the mechanism so they couldn’t catch anything.  When we went back we found them primed again.” The SPCA has been informed, he said.

The Stop Illegal Animal Traps Alliance seeks to raise awareness of the problem and the awful injuries to animals the traps cause as well as elicit the support of volunteers. See Facebook

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