New leadership has taken over at the Sai Kung Hash House Harriers, after founder Guy Shirra stepped aside. The local Hash is unusual: It’s run by a man and a woman.
Mike Featherston, Grand Master, said he and Grand Mattress Helen Brighton take decisions jointly.
All runs are in the Sai Kung/CWB area and are monthly, usually on the third Saturday. Anyone is welcome. “It’s not a playdate, but if kids show up that’s fine,” Mike said. Dogs too.
Hash running is non-competitive. Trails are marked with chalk and flour, which washes away in the rain. Runs are non-competitive and the pack does not know where they are going. Trails can be false. When you come to a check-back you do just that. The idea is to slow down the fast runners with clever trail marking so the pack stays together.
Hashing is not an athletes’club, it’s a social club. It’s about mixing with your friends after exercising together and drinking beer. “The Hash is far, far and away the best club I ever joined,”one resident said. “It doesn’t have the snobbishness of a sailing club or golf club. It’s a great leveler and the people you see every week (he was referring to the Hong Kong Hash House Harriers) become your best friends.”
If you want to find out when the next Sai Kung Saturday Hash House Harriers run is google it or go to the open group Facebook page.
Hash trails are laid in advance with chalk and flour by hares. The pack do not know where they are going and a clever trail with good checks will slow down speedsters and keep the pack together
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