Jeff reckons Sai Kung is ready for a real nightclub. He wants to be known as just Jeff. “This place will be all about fun,” he says. “We are going to bring entertainment to Sai Kung.”
Jeff is the 100 per cent owner of the nightclub-restaurant to be called .COM, situated in the former Aguaplus site. If it hasn’t opened at the time of publication, it soon will be.
An overseas Chinese now resident in Sai Kung, Jeff said, “I’m bored at night. Nowhere to go. I want to build a place that I would want to go to myself. A place of entertainment at night even if you’re not a drinker.”
The double-unit site has been redecorated with dramatic swathes of orange, yellow, black and gray. Jeff says he is investing about $3 million, keeping the cost down by having the design done by his own firm. He has hired professionals to run .COM: The General Manager and Chief Chef is an American, Rick Ney, who has worked for Shangri-La and Mandarin Oriental. The Manager is Egyptian, Sam Moussa.
The way Jeff describes it .COM will be all about entertainment for men and women. There will be men’s nights with pool competitions and cash prizes, lucky draws based on horse-racing and barmaids with assets like those of a famous chain. Six nights a week there will be a live band or a DJ. Ladies nights will offer special cocktails and prices “and other attractions”.
A pool table will be on the ground floor because players “create life and activity in a bar”. One of the upstairs rooms will be for dining, the other for private functions, karoake and “whatever turns you on.” Jeff makes it clear he wants .COM to be more risque than Sai Kung is used to.
GM Ney said they are putting a lot of effort into the food. He mentioned the mushroom bruschetta, roasted beetroot, Burmese samosa salad and Nori salmon.
Jeff’s ambitious for his new venture. He has no F&B background — he is a trader — but is already planning to open .COMs in Discovery Bay and Central. “We will open four or five, then franchise in China,” he said. “We are going to be like Hard Rock Cafe.”
The rent is $150,000 a month, so Jeff will need deep-pockets unless the .COM nightclub-restaurant quickly becomes the place to see and be seen in Sai Kung at night.
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