Many people rescued by emergency services over the hot weekend

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Injured cyclist hospitalised.        Photo:

With temperatures reaching 37C over the past weekend, the emergency services were kept busy. We report two of the stories below.

In the Sai Kung country park on Saturday, a 53-year-old expatriate fell off his bike. He was cycling on slopes at the High Island reservoir, when he lost control and disappeared down what has been described as a 2m deep sand well. Injured, he was unable to climb back to the road. The Fire Services were called and an ambulance took him to hospital. Police are investigating.

At around 12:30 pm or so on Sunday, a 35-year-old surnamed Ho and two men and a girlfriend were hiking to Tai Tan village along a mountain path, when, in 33 C heat, she became dizzy. Friends raised the alarm for help and the helicopter arrived and took her to hospital.


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