Marine Police intercept smugglers at Wong Shek Pier: $7.5 million goods seized

Seized during the operation of the total value of about 7.5 million yuan of goods. (Police picture)

Marine Police North Division Task Force officers conducted an anti-smuggling operation at about 11:00 pm on Wednesday 22 November,  off the Wong Shek Public Pier in Sai Kung. At around 7:00 am yesterday morning, officers and staff found a suspicious speedboat oat the site with two men on board.
A private car approached, and six suspicious men started loading suspicious goods onto the speedboat. Police officers immediately stepped in to intercept, and the six men jumped onto the speedboat to escape.
During the operation, the police seized 40 boxes of suspected smuggled goods, including suspected red corals, suspected ivory jewellery, cameras, tablets and mobile phones worth about $7.5 million and a private car suspected of being used for smuggling purposes.
Police said the case will be forwarded to Customs for follow-up. Under the Import and Export Ordinance, anyone who seizes unmanifested cargo is liable on conviction to a maximum fine of $2 million and imprisonment for 7 years.

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