Disgusting state of Man Yee Square: District Office promises urgent action – updated

The powers-that-be in Sai Kung: From left — New District Officer David Chiu, Secretary for Home Afffairs Lau Kong-wah and District Council chairman for 24 years George Ng Sze-fuk taking the air in Sai Kung harbour Credit: GovHK

The District Office has responded to a SAI KUNG BUZZ complaint about the woeful state of Man Yee Square with a promise of urgent action. Yesterday we emailed new District Officer David Chiu copying his deputy, Peter CK Kwok. BUZZ asked them, “Why is Man Yee Square in such a dirty, untidy, dilapidated state now compared with in the past when it has been beautiful?” We gave them a link to our story, see here.
Within hours Peter emailed back:

“Thank you for your email informing us of the poor conditions of Man Yee Square. We have promptly referred the case to relevant departments to take urgent actions to improve the undesirable state of affairs there. Many thanks for raising this with our office.”

BUZZ sent the same message to District Council Chairman for 24 years George Ng Sze-fuk, who has yet to respond.

Alert reader Julie King started all this and, after the promised clean-up and renovation of The Square are completed, will deserve thanks from all of us. Julie sent photos of the square as it is today along with pictures of how it looked some years ago with little floral gardens dotted about. We polished our glasses and went round the square with a critical eye. Julie’s right. It’s disgusting now. The children’s playground has a holed section ribboned off. It has been that way for months. Ugly graffiti is everywhere. Kids are playing in filth and litter. The roofed sitting-out area looks like it hasn’t been maintained since last century. Cardboard boxes are scattered around. Old ladies in purple tops play cards alongside discarded restaurant stuff like chairs and heaters. Jaspas! You’re fingered because your brand is on some of the chairs.
District Council Chairman George Ng Sze-fuk has replied to BUZZ’s enquiry:

I have also spotted the environment is becoming dirty and untidy all around the Sai Kung town. So I have already urged the related government departments, including Home Affairs Department,  Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and Leisure and Cultural Services Department, to pay special attention to the problem and do every necessary improvement. However, I admit that the situation is not good and is out of my expectation. And I will keep urging the departments to make good about the environment.
For the specific problem of Man Yee Square, I will refer it to Leisure and Cultural Services Department for following up.

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