The 23-year-old pilot who crashed a Zlin 242L near Tolo Harbour had only 78 hours of experience, a Civil Aviation Department report reveals. His flying time on type, i.e. the Zlin, was only 3.5 hours.
These are the main revelations in a brief preliminary report issued exactly one month after the accident on 24 June.
The aircraft wrecked beyond repair was only two years old and had been delivered to the Hong Kong Aviation Club from the Czech factory. It was the second Zlin pranged by a Hong Kong club pilot, the first sadly resulting in fatality. The latest report from the club president said the 23-year-old involved in the latest crash was “recovering well”.
The accident happened in trees that softened the impact at Ma Shi Chau on the shores of Tolo Harbour. The wind at the time was just 7 km/hr. The CAD report said members of the public rushed to help the young pilot along with the Marine Police. A police boat carried the injured youngster to the Tei Mei Tuk pier where he was transferred to an ambulance and treated on the way to hospital.
The Zlin’s right wing was severely damaged, the report said. Fuel leaked from the wing tanks, but there was no fire. The fuselage, flight control surfaces, left landing gear and engine support structure were all badly damaged by the impact. Three propellor blades were broken.
The full accident report will be published when investigations are concluded, perhaps in about a year.
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