On 28 October, SAI KUNG BUZZ received a tip from an alert reader that there had been fighting at The Picture House the night before. The at is the reason we should apologise. Around the same time we spotted in the Chinese press there had been a seizure of guns in Sai Kung. We published a story headlined “Not So Peaceful Seaside Town”. The article (now deleted) said the sources of both stories were second-hand and we were seeking clarification from the police.
It was a Sunday, our usual contact, the police operations boss, was off and did not answer our call.
The Senior Inspector did kindly answer the phone the following day. His briefing was comprehensive. We published a full story on the fighting outside The Picture House. It said the brawling occurred on the pavement near the minibus stop, the incident had nothing to do with the bar, the police would step up patrols outside The Picture House and The Boozer because of concern about neighbours’ behaviour, The Picture House bartender was trying to help stop the fighting and police would treat him as a witness.
The second story was right. The first wasn’t. We owe The Picture House an apology.
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