The Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC), Mr Justice Barnabas Fung Wah, officiated at the launch ceremony for the 2019 Voter Registration Campaign at the Domain in Yau Tong on 30 April. A number of District Council Chairmen and Vice-chairmen also showed up to support the campaign.
“The aims of the 2019 Voter Registration Campaign are to encourage eligible persons who have yet to register as electors to sign up, and to remind registered electors to update their registration particulars with the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) in a timely manner,” Mr Justice Fung said at the launch ceremony.
He appealed to eligible persons who have yet to register as electors to submit new registration applications by the registration deadline of 2 July, so that their registration particulars would be included in the final register to be released in September this year, and they can vote in the District Council Election to be held in November.
Registered electors are not required to register again, but they are reminded to fulfil their civic responsibility by notifying the REO of any change in residential address or other registration particulars by the statutory deadline of 2 June. Electors are required to submit address proof upon changing their registered residential addresses.
The REO will continue to implement targeted checking measures in the current cycle to enhance the accuracy and completeness of information in the voter registers.
“The REO will gradually issue inquiry letters to some electors, requiring them to confirm or update their registered addresses. The EAC appeals to electors who receive the letters to reply not later than the deadline of 2 July so as to maintain their registration status,” Mr Justice Fung said.
Forms for voter registration and reporting changes in registration particulars can be obtained from the REO, the District Offices and management offices of public housing estates. They can also be downloaded from the voter registration website (www.voterregistration.gov.hk).
Members of the public may log in to the Online Voter Information Enquiry System (www.voterinfo.gov.hk) anytime to check whether they are a registered voter and whether their registered address is still their principal place of residence.
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