Members of the Legislative Council (LegCo) held separate meetings yesterday (24 May) with members of the Kwun Tong District Council (DC) and the Sai Kung DC at the LegCo Complex to discuss and exchange views on matters of mutual interest.
At the meeting with the Sai Kung DC, LegCo members discussed and exchanged views with DC members on requesting the Hong Kong Design Institute to open its cultural and recreational facilities for public use; expediting the implementation of plans on cultural and recreational facilities already made for Tseung Kwan O and Sai Kung; speeding up the implementation of the East Kowloon Line railway project; relieving the vehicular congestion at Clear Water Bay Road and New Clear Water Bay Road; requesting the construction of additional typhoon shelters and the expansion of anchorage areas in Sai Kung; expediting the implementation of the development plan for the ex-Sai Kung Central Primary School site; and the nuisance caused by wild pigeons and wild pigs.
The meeting was convened by Mr Alvin Yeung and attended by Mr Chan Hak-kan, Mr Steven Ho, Mr Chan Chi-chuen, Dr Elizabeth Quat, Mr Martin Liao, Ms Yung Hoi-yan, Dr Pierre Chan, Mr Lau Kwok-fan and Mr Gary Fan.
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