The Chief Executive has approved the Outline Zoning Plan for Hebe Haven. The planning scheme area, covering about 370 hectares, comprises the entire coastal area of Hebe Haven and the surrounding hillslopes. The planning intention of the area is primarily to conserve the natural landscape features and the rural character of the area, and to promote marine-related recreational uses along the coastal front of Hebe Haven.
About 113.67 hectares of land is zoned “Conservation Area” covering areas of steep terrain or hillslopes with natural vegetation and undisturbed woodland of high landscape value, which is intended to protect and retain the existing natural landscape, ecological or topographical features of the area and to separate sensitive natural environments from the adverse effects of development.
About 36.69 hectares of land is zoned “Coastal Protection Area”, which is intended to conserve, protect and retain the natural coastlines and the sensitive coastal natural environment, with a minimum of built development.
To define the limits of urban and sub-urban development areas by natural features, and to contain urban sprawl as well as to provide passive recreational outlets, about 21.15 hectares of land is zoned “Green Belt”. Furthermore, about 127.53 hectares of land in Ma On Shan Country Park is zoned “Country Park”.
Some 4.9 hectares of land is zoned “Recreation” for recreational developments to promote marine-related recreational uses.
About 25.68 hectares of land is zoned “Other Specified Uses” (“OU”), including the existing Marina Cove, which is zoned “OU(Residential cum Marina Development)” and the existing public pier at Pak Sha Wan, which is zoned “OU(Pier)”.
About 23.73 hectares of land is zoned “Village Type Development” for the existing villages and areas suitable for village expansion while 6.46 hectares and 0.92 hectares of land are zoned “Residential (Group C)” for low-rise and low-density residential developments and “Residential (Group D)” for improvement and upgrading of existing temporary structures to permanent buildings respectively.
To serve the population in the area, the existing commercial cluster near Pak Sha Wan Public Pier of about 0.34 hectares is zoned “Commercial”. Moreover, some 2.39 hectares of land is zoned “Government, Institution or Community” for provision of government, institution and community facilities and 0.27 hectares of land is zoned “Open Space” for outdoor open-air public space for active and/or passive recreational uses.
The full OZP documentation can be downloaded from the TPB web site, or it is available for public inspection during office hours at the Secretariat of the Town Planning Board, the Planning Enquiry Counters of the Planning Department in North Point and Sha Tin, the Sai Kung and Islands District Planning Office, the Sai Kung District Office and the Sai Kung Rural Committee.
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