ARIES: Today is gonna be the day they’re gonna throw it back to you. And say, “I ordered this without ketchup.”
TAURUS: Make a journey on the MTR that little bit more exciting by leaning across to the person seated next to you and whispering, “Any last requests?”
GEMINI: You’re proud of the fact you can take it on the chin. But the director repeatedly told you he wanted it in your hair.
CANCER: This month will be a series of unexpected journeys, meeting new people and facing difficult challenges. Yep, you’re going to jail.
LEO: Getting your two cents worth isn’t going to help you avoid financial ruin.
VIRGO: Time to buy a brand new winter wardrobe. The old one is full of restraining orders and soiled hankies.
LIBRA: Your wedding photos look really kooky and fun. So, why did you feel the need to fill what should have been the happiest day of your life with cheap gimmicks, do you reckon?
SCORPIO: Kids – they sure grow up fast, don’t they? The chemical plant says the water’s safe, but I’m not sure the youngest should be shaving before nursery.
SAGITTARIUS: Kids say the funniest things, but mostly they say annoying, repetitive stuff.
CAPRICORN: It probably was a dodgy last pint that caused you to throw up. After all, it’s easy to end up in a dirty bar at the end of a three-day bender.
AQUARIUS: Why not add authentic touches of rustic charm to your kitchenette by spending 18 drudgery-filled hours a day in it and dropping dead, a spent husk, at the tender age of 43?
PISCES: Your upbeat attitude, positive outlook and unquenchable optimism prove you obviously haven’t been paying attention.
For more from Sadie go to http://www.sadiekaye.tv and the Miss Adventure site: https://missadventurerthk.com
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