The HONG KONG BUZZ opinion piece on Carrie Lam’s policy address regarding vaccines for a hard-hit Hong Kong may have given a wrong impression. The story has gone viral, picked up in some cases by anti-China groups. What Carrie said if you read her speech* on Covid-19 was that the mainland is reserving China-made vaccines for use in Hong Kong if necessary. The CEO made no mention of obtaining vaccines from countries other than China as we battle this terrible pandemic. This is strange, given the speech’s otherwise comprehensive coverage of Covid-19.
Our story said Ms Lam and her health officials should be trying to get Hong Kong people “the best available vaccine regardless of where it comes from”. The CEO’s omission in her speech of Government study of vaccines from other sources such as Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca-Oxford University or Moderna was odd. Perhaps she was focused on pleasing her CCP bosses as we suggested.
Two days ago Professor Sophia Chan, Health Secretary, clarified the matter. She said the Government will provide vaccines for all Hong Kong people, two doses each. “We will speed up the vetting procedures while ensuring the vaccines’ safety, efficacy and quality. . .Authorities will take all necessary measures to allow the use of any vaccine which is proved to be safe and effective.”
* See policyaddress.gov.hk
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