One of the men suffered head and left eye injuries and was sent to hospital for treatment Photo: 翁鈺輝/HK01
Yesterday lunchtime (22/10), Police received a report from a motorist that two middle-aged men had had an argument at a Clear Water Bay Road bus-stop at the junction with Hang Hau Road and that there were injuries.

One of the suspects arrested by police Photo: 翁鈺輝/HK01
According to reports, a 64-year-old man was waiting for the bus when a 66-year-old man passed by. The pavement is narrow at that point and he collided with the younger man. A fierce argument broke out between the two of them and the younger man hit the older one on the head. The older man lost his balance and fell to the ground. In a panic, he took out a stainless steel spoon from his rucksack and attacked the younger man with it. In the melee the younger man’s eyeball was prised from the eye socket.

Both men were taken to hospital for treatment Photo: 翁鈺輝/HK01
Blood stains, a bloody face mask and rubber gloves were left at the scene.
Police arrested both men and charged them with fighting in a public place. They were both taken to the nearby hospital for treatment.
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