Young Sai Kung adventurer launches wild Hong Kong tours

Rory Mackay cycled alone from Capetown to Cairo

ad1Sai Kung’s Rory Mackay, the young adventurer who biked solo from Capetown to Cairo, has launched a hiking tour business. He calls it Wild Hong Kong.

Only 26, Rory has packed a lot into his life already. A resident of Sai Kung since 1992, he attended Clearwater Bay ESF Primary School, boarding school in the UK and Australia, then Queensland University of Technology, where he got an architecture degree. Rory has the adventure and travel lust that is normal in youngsters, but he has done far more than most.

Cycling from the southern shores of Africa to the north and the Mediterranean, he “ran out of water several times in the deserts of Namibia, was held at gunpoint in Ethiopia and went down with dysentery in the Sudan. This kind of trip gives you faith in humanity.  People everywhere want the same things in life and it usually entails being good to strangers,” he said.

Rory has also biked from Saigon to Sai Kung and written a book called “Agent Orange and the Green Machine”. He has worked on a highland estate in Scotland and traveled to Peru, Equador, Columbia and Cuba.  Now he says he wants “something that will endure”.   Hence the new guided hiking business.

Wild Hong Kong, two months old, is offering four tours at present:


MA ON SHAN:  Starting at the MOS MTR, over the humps and the ridgelines, packed lunch near the top and down into Sai Kung.  A full day hike at $700 a head.


YELLOW DRAGON RIVER: Start at the Tung Chung MTR, hike up the gorge to Yellow Dragon River Falls then back to Tung Chung.  Five hours at $600.


TAI MO SHAN: From the Tai Wo MTR public transport to Ng Tung Chai, then a five-hour hike out and back admiring multiple waterfalls. $500


SHEK O DRAGON’S BACK: From Shaukiwan MTR, No.9 bus along the Shek O Road to a point near Cape d’Aguilar.

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