Quiz master Stuart Wadsworth to conduct show with his clothes on as pub goers battle it out

Quizmaster Stuart Wadsworth in the “Tools with Tools” calendar published late last year for charity fund-raising.

A pub quiz for the puppies will be held at The Picture House on Thursday, 8 February. Quiz master Stuart Wadsworth will lead the performance as teams of four battle it out to see who is the smartest of them all — or best able to handle their booze. Stuart is “very good and very funny,” Catherine Lumsden said.  It is her charity, Catherine’s Puppies, that is the beneficiary of the event, starting at 7.30pm. Stuart starred in the nude-blokes “Tools for Tools” calendar published for charity late last year.

Everyone who walks through the door will be asked to pay $100 which will go to Catherine’s Pets Central bill for vet fees now standing at $21,000.  Catherine houses 42 dogs, puppies and adults, at her shelter high in the Ho Chung hills.  It is a never ending struggle to pay the rent, assistant’s wages, food and other costs of about $18,000 a month, Catherine said. Vet bills fluctuate from $5000 to $30,000 a month because the charity also pays for care of strays and abandoned animals.
Roll up for a good cause. Twelve teams of four will vie against each other urged on by Stuart, who will probably keep his clothes on until the 16th beer. The quiz winners will be able to carry on boozing, because the top prize is a tasting tour of Gweilo Brewery.

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