Man falls to his death at Ham Tin Wan

ham tin wan
Ham Tin Wan

This morning, around 10:30 am, a person walking along a footpath at Ham Tin Wan, Sai Kung found an unconscious man lying on the ground at the bottom of a flight of steps. The police and a helicopter from the Government Flying Service were called. The injured person was hoisted to the helicopter and taken to Eastern Hospital. Sadly, the victim was found dead on arrival.

Investigation at the scene indicated that the man had fallen from around 30 m, landing at the bottom of the steps going up the side of the hill. This afternoon police confirmed that the deceased had no identification on him, just a piece of paper with his mother’s telephone number. Police now believe the cause of death was not suspicious, and have classified the case as suicide. A post-mortem will be held to determine the cause of death.

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