Callous attitude of drivers lambasted after injured man left lying on Po Tung Road for too long

A flurry of criticism has burst out on social media over the traffic accident yesterday in which a man was struck by a car on Po Tong Road. The injured man lay for some time on his side, reportedly clutching his mobile phone, outside the Lok Yuk kindergarten. An ambulance took too long to reach him, delayed by traffic jams stretching back to Marina Cove.
The criticism concerned the drivers who would not get vehicles out of the way of an ambulance and a police van. “The ambulance was just sitting in the traffic, not aggressively trying to get through,” one writer said. “How many people have died from delayed emergency services?” another wondered. “It is so crazy to see an ambulance or indeed police or fire vehicles trapped when they really need to get somewhere.”
Fortunately the man was not badly hurt. Other correspondents complained that some uncaring, callous drivers had steered around the man and carried on with their journeys. Others said the crossing of Po Tung Road near the kindergarten needs to be improved for safety reasons with lights and better signage and marking. Safety of the small children crossing there is a major concern.
Police lay multiple charges against reckless driver stopped at Ho Chung

A reckless drunk driver was arrested at Ho Chung on Tuesday, 11 September, a spokesman for Sai Kung police station said.
The driver’s offences mounted up as the police investigated: Driving while disqualified and without insurance, plus jumping a red light. The driver also refused to give a breathe specimen.
Some people don’t seem to understand the new law………
Yet another property agent

It didn’t take long for the cancer of property agents in town to spread further. The old Watson’s store has now been infected. A property price collapse, similar to 2003 during the SARS epidemic seems the only way to stop this scourge.
New shop to add life to rarely visited back alley

Tak Lung Back Street is a rather dead zone for most people in town. Running from the temple square to the back of The Picture House it always seems deserted; it’s also a bit of a commercial graveyard, although it has some really good, niche, shops and coffee spots. Now it is about to be the second store for Live Zero, which is opening on 10 September. Live Zero features a tonne of package free food options, daily essentials and products to help you achieve a zero-waste lifestyle. BUZZ hopes to interview Tamsin, the locally raised owner in the near future.
People still dumping appliances in contravention of the new law

As BUZZ reported a few weeks ago, it is now illegal to dump electrical appliances by the side of the road. Seems many people have still to understand that they are committing an offence. Here’s what Scene and Heard saw today in one of our villages in the Country Park. Will EPD take a note of the serial numbers and track the offenders down? Don’t hold your breath………..
And another one bites the dust

The shop near the newsstand on the alley between Starbucks and Man Nin Street that used to sell bargain bedding and other items has closed, and now plastered with property agent adverts. The maid service shop next door seems rather lonely, although there have been some recent openings along the alley. We wonder what will fill this space.
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